Which thermoplastics are the easiest to process?

Fabric or paper combined with phenolic resin (Bakelite) are the easiest to process. However, these materials may be somewhat limited in achieving fine tolerances. The water absorption capacity can in certain situations have a limiting effect on tolerances.

If the requirement for mechanical properties is higher than for fiberglass with polyester (GPO3) but I want a material that does not reach the price of the epoxy materials. What should I do?

A combined material with glass mat and roving (longer glass fibers) provides improved mechanical properties. What you can choose is, for example, UPM S2.

Which thermoplastic should I choose if the electrical properties are more important than the mechanical ones?

Thermosetting plastic consisting of a glass mat combined with polyester resin (GPO3) provides good electrical insulation properties with in many applications acceptable mechanical properties.

How much glass does fiberglass laminate contain?

Fiberglass laminates contain 40% – 60% glass, depending on how high mechanical and electrical properties are required.

Which materials should I choose when glass-based thermoplastics are not sufficient in terms of temperature?

Mica-based material (foil micanite) can be used at temperatures up to approx. 500° C. If the temperature requirements are even higher, Roburit can be used (approx. 800° C). This material is more brittle and flatness requirements on the substrate for fastenings are important to take into account.

What type of material should be used to achieve the best possible mechanical properties?

Glass material with a fine weave combined with epoxy resin provides good mechanical properties. If you need properties at higher temperatures, fiberglass with polyimide resin is preferable.

What happens to the fiberglass materials when the temperature gets high?

The material passes the so-called The ‘glass transition’ temperature, Tg, and mechanical properties deteriorate. If the temperature gets high enough, the resin “boils off” and only the fiberglass remains.

Which thermosets do you prefer to use when processing small details?

Use a material with as fine a texture as possible, e.g. epoxy with ‘glass fabrics’

Why, for example, are epoxy laminates called G10 or G11?

G10 and G11 are requirements that the materials meet according to the American standard Nema. The corresponding European standard is EPGC 308.

How high can you reach in the temperature range with glass-based thermoplastics?

The Highest working temperature with maintained mechanical properties is achieved with glass fabric combined with polyimide resin. Polyimide can be used at temperatures up to approx. 250° C. Note, however, that mechanical properties decrease with increasing temperature.


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